VREI SA EVADEZI DIN RUTINA COTIDIANA?VREI SA AI PARTE DE CLIPE DE NEUITAT?NOUL STUDIO ANUBIS TEMPLE TE ASTEAPTA SA TE DELECTEZE CU O ATMOSFERA DE NEUITAT!!SITUAT IN CENTRUL ORASULUI CONSTANTA,USOR ACCESIBIL,DISCRET,STUDIOUL VA PUNE LA DISPOZITIE UN BAR CU BAUTURI FINE UNDE VETI FI BUCURATI DE PREZENTA MULTOR FETE FRUMOASE,ELEGANTE!VETI FI FASCINAT DE DOMNISOARELE NOASTRE SI DE ATMOSFERA DE BASM!ALEGAND STUDIOUL NOSTRU VA VETI GARANTA UNA DIN CELE MAI FRUMOASE SERATE IN COMPANIA MASEUZELOR NOASTRE PROFESIONISTE SI FOARTE DISCRETE!ESTI CURIOS?SUNA SI VINO SA NE VIZITEZI!!!VEI AVEA PARTE DE NUMEROASE SURPRIZE PLACUTE!Te-am facut curios? te asteptam in fiecare zi intr-un ambient intim si discret. o experienta incendiara si unica, lasa-te sedus si purtat intr-o incursiune in senzualitate si erotism asa cum nu ai mai simtit niciodata, fanteziile tale devin realitate doar in compania unei adevarate curtezane unde discretia si igiena sunt principale, te asteptamProgram de lucru-de la ora 20.00 pana dimineata!!!!!!Want to break out of a daily routine, you want to have some unforgettable moments? NEW STUDIO ANUBIS TEMPLE waiting for you to enjoy an unforgettable atmosphere !! Located in downtown Constanta, easily accessible, discrete STUDIO offers a bar with drinks where you will be attended by many girls beautiful, elegant! You will be fascinated by her and our magical atmosphere! Choosing our studio WILL YOU ENSURE THAT ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL evenings in the company of our girls PROFESSIONAL AND VERY DISCREET! Curious? CALL and come visit us !!! You will have numerous surprises! I'm curious? I expect every day in an intimate and discreet. experience incendiary and unique, let yourself be seduced and taken on a journey into sensuality and eroticism as you have not felt ever your fantasies come true only in the company of a true courtesan where discretion and hygiene are the main we expect Schedule -from 20.00 all night long!

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